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Visiting the Whitney Biennial


Artists in Schools

Visiting the Whitney Biennial

CMA Resident Artist Maria D. Rapicavoli visited the Whitney Biennial with her third graders from Hudson Guild.

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Once again, we are indebted to the Whitney Museum of American Art for graciously welcoming our third grade students from Hudson Guild to tour their biggest and brightest exhibition – the Whitney Biennial. We are especially grateful to Jano Provinciano, who thoughtfully and patiently led our students through their first ever museum visit!

Students loved getting up close and personal with Nikita Gale's TEMPO RUBATO (STOLEN TIME).

We even journeyed outside to view Kiyan Williams' Ruins of Empire II or The Earth Swallows the Master's House and considered why the American flag is hung upside down. Back inside, students made art directly in the gallery inspired by the work of Mavis Pusey, a Jamaican-born artist who, like our students, spent a large part of her life in the Chelsea neighborhood, not far from the Whitney. 

Mavis Pusey with her work “Within Manhattan.”Courtesy of Mavis Pusey Archive

They remarked on the importance of shifting perspective and tilting your head when absorbing an artwork. Thank you to everyone at the Whitney for welcoming us to the space to see such inspiring work — and create our own!

Maria's work at Hudson Guild is supported by the Emergency Arts Education Fund, which provides free arts education to NYC school communities whose art programs have been decimated by recent budget cuts.

Children’s Museum of the Arts’ three Residents Artists are currently implementing ambitious arts curriculum at each of our partner sites throughout New York City: Hudson Guild in Chelsea, Sid Miller Academy in Crown Heights, and Children’s Workshop School in the East Village. Come spring, our residents will showcase their students' work through exhibitions and installations across the city. Learn how you can support the work of our residents here.

Inspired by Giuseppe Penone

Family Day at Marian Goodman Gallery

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